
About the Blog

BIM + Integrated Design exists exclusively to inform readers in the AECO industry and design professions, helping to confront the forces that create an immunity to change.

About the  Blogger

Randy Deutsch AIA, LEED AP has served as lead designer on over 100 large-scaled, complex projects; leading initiatives in Building Information Modeling and Integrated Project Delivery. Recognized leader in the advancement of BIM and IPD, he speaks & writes on their social implications on the AEC industry.

SPEAKING Randy is an active speaker and panelist for building industry forums, conferences and schools, including AIA National, AIA Chicago, AIA MN, AIA OH, Best Firms, UIC, IIT, BIMForum, NTAP, LCI and KA Connect, on BIM & IPD, engaging employees, mentoring, collaborating and learning.

PUBLICATIONS In 2011, Randy published BIM + Integrated Design (John Wiley & Sons) for design & construction industry professionals. He has also published chapters in The Architects Handbook of Professional Practice 15th ed. (Nov 2013) on BIM and IPD, articles in industry periodicals and 4 popular blogs including http://www.architects2zebras.com featured at the AIA National website and in ARCHITECT magazine.

AWARDS AIA Young Architect Award and Earl Prize for design excellence.

TEACHING Randy is an Associate Professor in the School of Architecture at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is a scholar-practitioner in architectural technology, teaching Anatomy of Buildings, Construction of Buildings, Professional Practice, Comprehensive Capstone Design Studio, and a graduate seminar – Construction Management: Virtual and Real. Prior to this, Randy taught at the School of Architecture, U of Illinois at Chicago, Adjunct Professor, Lecturer, Integrated Building Science/Design Studio & Professional Practice

EDUCATION BS Architecture, U of Illinois & Masters of Architecture, NC State School of Design

AFFILIATIONS Chicago BIM-IPD Group; NYC-Revit Users Group; BIM-PAC; DBIA; Design Futures Council; ULI; BTES; SBSE; AIA

LinkedIn             http://www.linkedin.com/in/randydeutsch

BIM book           http://www.amazon.com/BIM-Integrated-Design-Strategies-Architectural/dp/0470572515/ref=ntt_at_ep_dpt_1

BIM Blog            https://bimandintegrateddesign.com/

Other Blog         http://architects2zebras.com/

Other Blog         http://thedesignstrategist.com/

Other Blog         http://integrateddesignandconstruction.com/

Twitter                http://twitter.com/randydeutsch

Facebook           http://www.facebook.com/randydeutsch

BIO                     http://www.ka-connect.com/speakers.php?sdx=79

Google Profile  https://profiles.google.com/101327903750678415919#101327903750678415919/about

Amazon Page   http://amzn.to/fOQlTj

BIM Article       http://www.aecbytes.com/viewpoint/2010/issue_51.html

Essay                  http://bit.ly/mqZHGA DesignIntelligence May/June 2011

Essay                  http://www.di.net/articles/archive/leading_in_age_bim/

Feature              http://www.architectmagazine.com/internet/architects2zebrascom.aspx

Feature              http://archrecord.construction.com/archrecord2/design/may04/YoungChicago.asp

Email                  randydeutsch@att.net

14 responses to “About

  1. Hey Randy,
    Nice to see you’re writing a lot.

    I’m not convinced about BIM.
    1. The beauty and grandeur of architectural documentation is its shorthand nature — its ability to define design intent with substantial clarity in a compact form.
    2. BIM insists that the entire build be drawn. In principle, this is good, but fees don’t support that level of effort. Passing the file on to the contractor seems appealing, but they need to come to their own conclusions.

    Just a few thoughts…

    • randydeutsch

      Thanks for your comment – and for sharing your observations about BIM. To your two excellent points, the way I see it we’re currently working in the lyric poetry-length stage of BIM and as we perfect not only the technology, but also our use of the tools and work processes, we’ll whittle them down to sonnet-size and pare our BIM efforts down to haiku length. My own personal belief is that when clients come to see the BIM model’s value at the back end – less time, less expense, less waste, fewer redos – they’ll become more open to the allotted time upfront. The tough work will be in both pointing out – and proving – that this is in fact the case. Best to you in 2010,

  2. It would seem that just as a start for any type of competent document management, change control for documents and systems, let alone any sort of worth while infrastructure life cycle and construction project management would require at the very least BIM 101 for ongoing operations and maintenace with a few renovations thrown in. Let alone BIM for new construction to set the tone of future use of buildings in the modern day. The age of reviewing paper drawings in archive piles collecting dust has long ago gone the way of the dinosaur. Great site with quality commentary. Thank you.
    (personal email and website mentioned to keep the salesmen away while at work)

  3. Randy,
    Thanks for all of the great comments about our presentation at the Pratt Institute last Thursday. We really enjoyed and felt honored to present to the New York City RUG and BIM Group. I also got a chance to read your blog over the last few days and I have to say that I am really enjoying it. I have started my own blog recently at bimreality.com. I linked to your comments about our presentation.
    Thanks Again,

    • randydeutsch

      Thanks Aaron for the kind words. I also visited your blog a few times and am enjoying it. I’ll make it a habit to stop by from time to time. Thank you for the fabulous presentation! Truly inspiring. Randy

  4. Paul Anderson

    As well written a piece as I’ve ever seen, especially considering the subject. I actually stopped in the second piece to jot down this note.
    Are you sure you’re an Architect? Many of “us” that I know can’t spell worth a darn and have a better sense of configuring a flashing detail than constructing a sentence. ( only partly in jest here )
    Thanks again and I’ll be sure to stop back in between my BIM training sessions.

    • Thanks Paul for your comment – here and also in the AIA discussion. My feeling about writing – like design – the best writing doesn’t call attention to itself. You shouldn’t even be aware it is there. Along with architecture, I studied playwriting and rhetoric and published/produced plays and poems for a number of years. Spelling is another matter – I have Google to thank for that! Thanks for stopping by and please feel free to do so any time. Good luck with your BIM training!

  5. I am interested in a matrix style comparison of BIM platforms and other platforms that contribute to the BIM workflow or even a full report. (I have searched the web extensively there isn’t one I have found). I like many have worked with both ArchiCad and Revit. I continue to be open minded about what BIM is and is not. The industries are starting to more fully except the tools, and that’s really all that they are, but what fundamentally continues to be an obstacle in firms and on projects across North America is the workflow processes and mindsets. THE MAGIC BULLET IS AND WILL BE IN THE FUTURE A PARADIGM SHIFT IN HOW FIRMS APPROCH PROJECTS AND THE BIM PROCESS. How many BIM projects I have already seen where every ones just shooting from the hip and hoping to realize a great outcome.
    As the old saying goes a failure to plan is a plan to fail!!
    Everyone’s in the same boat, figuring out how to accomplish BIM projects. Most firms lose their way and end up focusing on the tools and not on the process. Or worse yet blaming the tools. Because of this BIM projects to some extent are putting a bad taste in people’s mouths all across this great nation of ours simply because the PM’s and decision makers apply the same old tired project work flows used on CAD based projects.
    Large firms that were early adopters have already learned this, but sadly there are just as many large firms that usually because of inner office politics may never get it, (and that may be a good thing when it makes them obsolete). Back to the topic a comparison of BIM authoring tools broken out by purpose and compatibility would indeed be a much sought after document, and I don’t think any of the BIM software companies will be giving us one any time soon.
    I am currently compiling as much information as I possibly can to this end, but trial downloads expire quickly when one is busy.
    A comparison would certainly be able to help influencers’ help our industries understand the power and fundamental industry changing promise that these tools and workflows have in store for us.
    My closing thought is that it is a process and we are in it YEEEEAAAAHHHH!!! Times are changing and so is our industry, not fast enough for my taste but hey people will be people and I understand most don’t like changes and the AEC types even less so, until its proven. So let’s dig in for the long haul and help change our industries before all the upcoming Grads come in and ask what the hell we were doing. Like it or not it is the direction technology is taking us and we can either fight it or get on the train.
    Me I choose the train no matter the resistance or level of difficulty. So if someone has a comparison please share, after all I would like to see BIM workflows become the norm before I retire in 12 years.

  6. sorry Randy I forgot my last Name on the original submission

    • One last suggestion. LinkedIn groups, such as BIM Experts, have hosted several recent excellent discussions comparing Revit and ArchCAD and SketchUp, etc. Often they will get quite detailed, providing comparisons that one cannot find elsewhere.

  7. bimingargentina

    Thanks for your writting. Every time I read your comments is like a fresh air.
    I have been involved with BIM for a while now, and since 2006 started to introduce the topic into my academic and work environment with little or none success, but keep trying. I live in Argentina (part of Less Develop Countries) and here BIM isn’t known neither consider in its broader potential, due to several limitations: cultural, economic, computational, etc. My work thru research and teaching is to rise awareness about the benefit of thinking like BIM using what we have, and what can affort. My approach to BIM is more towards Knowledge Management.
    Thanks again.

    • randydeutsch

      Thank you for visiting and especially for your generous comments. Please keep up your efforts to spread the word on BIM – it will catch on and your efforts will not be for naught. Do not give up! It is only a matter of time before your students and colleagues see the light concerning the benefits of BIM.
      If your interests are in BIM and knowledge management, you may want to check out Knowledge Architecture http://www.knowledge-architecture.com/ especially their blog and Christopher Parson’s annual conference KA Connect, this year being held in April in San Francisco. I know that’s a long way from Argentina but we have many guests and presenters from Europe so you will be in good company! Thanks again and best of luck to you,

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